For the 119th Congress I continue as Chairman of the Agriculture Subcommittee on the House Appropriations Committee. This is important for Maryland's 1st Congressional District - important for our farmers, our watermen, and our economy. It's been my honor to represent all of you and to stand up for your needs in Washington - needs like fighting invasive species in our waterways and on our crops, but also fighting for lower prescription prices and keeping the FDA and CDC accountable.
Moreover, the power of the purse is in the House, and being on the Appropriations Committee allows me to fight for lower debt and deficit - working to try and bring some financial sanity to Washington - even pushing for a balanced budget in the near future.
With President Trump returning to the White House, Republicans have an opportunity to return commonsense to Washington. Thank you for allowing me to represent you during this critical time.
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Dr. Andy Harris has a proven record of courage and common sense. Chairman of the House Freedom Caucus and Chairman of the Agriculture Subcommittee to Appropriations, he's fighting to restore fiscal responsibility to Washington and protect your hard-earned taxpayer dollars. Unafraid to stand up and speak out on your priorities and interests, he is fighting for the residents of Maryland's 1st Congressional District in Washington.